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Jennifer Green - luna apothecary


herbal wellness & skincare products

Tell us who you are and a bit about yourself.

Hi Everybody! Let me introduce myself to all of you. My name is Jennifer Green, a Las Vegas transplant that has been growing & thriving here in ATX for the past 7 years. I am an acupuncturist and nationally certified herbalist and am doubly blessed to be able to combine my 3 favorite things as my profession: helping others, immersing myself in all things herbal and creating formulas and magnificent potions with my hands!

We know you create awesome herbal wellness and skincare products, but what else do you like to do?

This may be an unusual answer, but I love sticking needles in people! LOL. Luckily, I am licensed and trained to do just that as a nationally board-certified acupuncturist. In my leisure time, I absolutely love to take long bike rides around Austin, have nightly garden parties in my backyard with my plants, kitties and chickens. Heaven on earth. Play guitar quite amateurishly and serenade the stars. If I feel practiced enough, I might even play a song for real live people!

What are your favorite materials and/or tools?

My favorite materials, I would have to say, are raw herbs. I love getting to know each one individually; their medicinal qualities, taste, aroma, texture, history. One of my wise professors gave the advice to get to know each one as you know your friends, each perk and idiosyncrasy and you will never forget.

Where does your inspiration come from?

Many times I am inspired by the random inputs and encounters that we experience each day. Once allowed to settle in the quiet with my own thoughts, these interactions, situations and visions unfold into new ideas and thought processes. I love in-person interactions with my clients and patrons. They give me the best ideas or riddles to solve creatively.

Pop, rock or PopRocks?

 Why can't we have all 3?!?
I am a rock n roll girl at heart, give me some Rolling Stones, Bowie, Iggy Pop or Velvet Underground and watch out. I even can get down with some pretty awesome Mick Jagger impersonations. Will revisit PopRocks.

What’s your favorite city and why?

 Barcelona, Spain:
Wow, just wow. The imaginative architecture of Gaudi literally everywhere, the Park Guell, the beach, the people, the relaxed vibe, food. Oh my, I could go on and on.....

What is your favorite color?  What’s your favorite smell?

Color: Peacock Blue
Smell: Sha Ren (Cardamom Fruit) I could enjoy this smell all day!


If we peeked inside your studio, what would be the first thing we’d notice?

It's busting out at the seams! Since Eastern Medical school I have been tincturing (alcohol extracting) every herb I can get my hands on! Seriously, it's a problem ;) Our apothecary has 170+ herbs that we incorporate into our formulas for the general public as well as custom formulas for our clinic patients. This weekend's project: MUST BUILD MORE SHELVES!


What's the best meal you've had in the past year?

Oh no, I have to choose? 
My very good friend Laura's husband cooked us the most divine salmon dinner a few weeks ago when I was visiting her in Dallas. I had never had salmon belly before and it was delectable and expertly seasoned. Coupled with the wonderful company and the fine food, I was a very happy lady!

Stranded on a desert island - If you could only have one book, movie, and album what would they be?

Book: Jitterbug Perfume, Tom Robbins
Movie: The Science of Sleep
Album: Bringing It All Back Home, Bob Dylan

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